About me

Hey there! I’m Ben, a senior web developer from Charleston SC, USA. You might know me from my short whiteboard videos breaking down all sorts of topics (React Server Components, HTMX, and SQLite to name a few). You also might know me as the inventor of Astro. I didn't invent Astro. But I'm a proud full time developer driving it forward :)

I've been a web programmer since the pre-npm days. This taught me some... Bower-ful lessons on what it takes to build scalable software. It's a lot more than JQuery and a dream.

I've since picked up every meta-framework you can think of, and even invented my own before joining Astro. As much as I love building web experiences, I've realized I'm into tech for the tech itself. So, I've devoted myself to helping you build better websites. Through tools, through videos, through puns, and a healthy love tolerance for JavaScript.

I'm a full-time software developer at the Astro Technology Company, so I'm not looking for employment.

Still, here's all my skills / buzzwords you were going to search for: NodeJS, ES6, ReactJS, NextJS, semantic HTML, understanding of a11y, Angular 2+, SolidJS, SvelteJS, SCSS, MySQL, NoSQL, OOP programming, C Basic, unit testing w/ Jest...

Okay I'm getting tired typing. Just browse my LinkedIn.

Watch some videos